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Advanced Practical Excel for Professionals - Introduction


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Instructor's Qualification & Experience

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Office Staff & Professionals

Finance Professionals (Accountants)

Sales & Marketing Professionals

Logistics Professionals

HR Professionals

Job Seekers

Other professionals who use Excel

Ready to migrate

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Download Excel Workbook-Module 1-5.1

Download Excel Workbook -Module 1 -Module 5.1

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How to Open Excel Sheet ,Rename & Save

How to Open Excel Sheet ,Rename & Save

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Module 01-Introduction to Ms Excel

Module 01-Introduction to Ms Excel

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In Excel, which of the following refers to a vertical arrangement of cells?

Module 02 -Absolute & Relatives cell references

Module 02 -Absolute & Relatives cell references

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In Excel, which type of cell reference stays fixed when you copy a formula?

Module 03 -Name Range

In Excel, what is the purpose of assigning a range name to a group of cells?

Module 04 -Lookup Function

What does the LOOKUP function do in Excel?

Module 5.1 -Hlookup Function

What is the primary difference between VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP functions in Excel?

Initial Feedback

Module 5.2 - Vlookup Function

In Excel, what does the "V" in VLOOKUP stand for?

Module 6: Logical Functions (AND / OR)

What is the result of the Excel AND function if both conditions are true?

What is the result of the Excel OR function if at least one of the conditions is true

Module 7: IF Functions

What does the Excel IF function do?

Module 8: Nested IF

What is the purpose of using nested IF functions in Excel?

Module 9: COUNT Function

What does the COUNTIFS function in Excel do?

Module 10: Text Functions

What does the LEN function in Excel do?

Module 12: Date Functions – Part 1

What does the EDATE function in Excel do?

Module 13: Date Functions - Part 2

What does the NETWORKDAYS.INTL function in Excel do?

Module 14: Date Functions - Part 3

What does the DATEDIF function in Excel do?

Module 15: Conditional Formatting

What does Conditional Formatting allow you to do in Excel?

Module 16: Data Validation

What is the purpose of Data Validation in Excel?

Module 17: Removing Duplicates

What does the "Remove Duplicates" feature in Excel allow you to do?

Module 18: Freezing and Unfreezing Panes

What does the "Freeze Panes" feature in Excel allow you to do?

Module 19: Filtering and Sorting

What does the "Filter" function in Excel allow you to do?

Module 20: Text to Columns

What does the "Text to Columns" feature in Excel allow you to do?

Module 21-A: INDEX Functions

What does the INDEX function in Excel do?

Module 21-B: MATCH Functions

What does the MATCH function in Excel do?

Module 22: Pivot Tables with Slicers

What is the purpose of using Slicers in conjunction with Pivot Tables in Excel?

Module 23-A : PMT Function

What does the PMT function in Excel calculate?

Module 23-B: PMT Function-Loan Amortization Schedule

How can the PMT function be used in conjunction with an Excel spreadsheet to create a loan amortization schedule?

What does the Goal Seek feature in Excel's What-If Analysis allow you to do?

What is the primary purpose of the Scenario Manager in Excel's What-If Analysis?

What is the primary purpose of a Data Table in Excel's What-If Analysis?

Module 25: Automating Geographical Data Entry

What type of data visualization does a column chart represent in Excel?

When is it appropriate to use a pie chart in Excel?

What type of relationship between two variables is best represented using a scatter chart in Excel?

Module 27: Transferring Screenshot Data into Excel

Module 29: Creating Folders Directly from Excel

Module 30-A: Picture Filter and Lookup

Module 31: Creating Dynamic Calendars

Module 32: Text Split

Module 33: Unique Function

Module 34: Q&A Live Lesson
