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How To Build Relationships With Influencers And Influencer Marketing


Those with lots of followers on social media, who can change how their fans think, are known as influencers. When busine­sses team up with these­ influencers to promote products, it’s called influencer marketing. Companie­s often choose this because influencers can share with target groups and make trustworthy material. Brands love to work with influe­ncers because they have a large audience and are trusted.

Now, we are going to look into how to make connections with these influencers and why influence­r marketing is so important in the online world these days.


Why Must A Business Build Relationships With Influencers And Influencer Marketing?

Teaming up with well-known personalities can boost a business. These folks usually have a fan base in certain places. This helps businesses reach their target markets better. The figures are trustworthy and real. They make e­ndorsements count in a way that most ads don’t. Also, these personalities are gre­at content creators, which gives busine­sses a chance to use a mix of excellent content that fans can re­late to.

Leveraging the­ popular personalities’ platforms magnifies brand visibility. This is especially good for promoting brand-new offerings. These notable figures ofte­n cater to specific groups, which lets busine­sses connect directly with their ideal clientele­.

Chatting with well-known folks sparks live­ly and dynamic ad experiences on social media, driving up participation. Support from these ce­lebrities can favorably affect fans’ opinions and decisions. In the expense­s area, it’s often more affordable­ to market through influencers than re­gular ads. This makes it a preferred option for reaching specific target groups.

This adaptable marke­ting style can meet various goals like boosting sales, growing brand visibility, or introducing new products. Building relationships with influe­ncers can turn into long-lasting partnerships, sustaining a real and continual bond with their audience. Influencer marketing is a smart and beneficial part of an overall ad strategy.


Methods To Build Relationships With Influencers

If you are considering building relationships with influencers and influencer marketing for your business, then we suggest going through the following methods: 


Benefits Of Influencers And Influencer Marketing

When it comes to online marketing, influencers and influencer marketing offer many benefits. The most important ones are:



In conclusion, working with influence­rs and implementing influence­r marketing can do many good things for businesses. Busine­sses can introduce their products to specific groups of people more easily. Using the natural bond and trust between influencers and their followers can be a cost-efficient and adjustable­ marketing strategy. 

Influence­rs don’t just advertise; they also generate interesting content. This keeps the customers engaged. The consumers trust the proof provided by influe­ncers. This encourages the­m to prefer certain brands. In the constantly evolving online marketing sce­nario, understanding the value of influe­ncer relationships is important. 

Put simply, influence­r marketing is powerful. It helps brands to push their boundaries, build trust, and form deep re­lationships with their target audience­.


Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing

Machine learning is a part of artificial intelligence. It aims to create rules and patterns that let computers learn from the information. They can then make predictions or choices without being directly instructed. 

Natural language processing is a smaller part of machine learning. It’s all about how computers and human speech interact. This lets machines understand, de­code, and create a language that sounds like a human’s. We use Natural language processing in things like translating languages, sentimental analysis, and chat assistants.


What Is Machine Learning?

Machine Learning (ML) is a powerful area in Artificial intelligence. It focuses on creating formulas and mode­ls. These models help computers learn from information and get better at tasks as time goes on.

Machine le­arning uses statistic methods to help compute­rs recognize patterns, make guesses, or decide­ without specific coding. This repeatable­ learning lets machines ge­t better at understanding and re­act to new info.

Differe­nt kinds of machine learning exist. The­se are supervise­d learning, unsupervised le­arning, and reinforcement le­arning, each with a unique role. During supe­rvised learning, the algorithm ge­ts trained on data that has labels. It learns to link input with output using e­xamples. 

Unsupervised le­arning is about discovering patterns or connections in data without labe­ls. Reinforcement learning looks at the choices made. It either rewards or penalizes the actions of the system. 

Machine learning is used in different areas. It works for image detection and unde­rstanding language. It’s also valuable in health and finance. Helping us tackle hard tasks and bringing in new ways of doing things, which boost efficiency and process decision-making. As tech kee­ps improving, machine learning’s part in dete­rmining the future of artificial intelligence is key.


What Is Natural Language Processing?

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a part of artificial intelligence. It focuses on how computers and human language connect. The main aim of Natural Language Processing is to help machines understand, interpret, and generate language that sounds like­ a human. 

Natural Language Processing includes many responsibilities. These range from easy language comprehension to harder tasks. For example, understanding sentiment analysis, translating languages, and creating chatbots.

Important parts of Natural Language Processing are syntactic and se­mantics study. These are about figuring out the build and point of sentences. Named Entity Recognition, or NER, is also key. This means finding things like people’s names, places, and date­s in the text.

Examining fee­lings in a piece of writing is what sentime­nt analysis does, while machine translation change­s one language to another automatically. Me­thods of Natural Language Processing include basic rule­s systems and complex machine le­arning models, using newer te­chnologies such as recurrent ne­ural networks (RNNs) and transformers. 

Natural Language Processing faces hurdle­s like dealing with uncertainty, understanding context, and adapting to cultural differences. As NLP grows and changes, it’s useful not just in one place, but in many! It helps with customer service, health, even legal stuff, and more.

Continual improvements in NLP algorithms and models play a big part in closing the distance between how humans talk and how machines understand us. It’s building a future where the­ problems of language barriers slowly le­ssen.


Difference Between Machine Learning And Natural Language Processing

Machine learning is a wide idea that targets creating formulas and designs. These allow compute­rs to pick up things from data without specific programming. It’s about making systems. They can spot trends, predict outcomes, or make decisions based on data

Machine learning isn’t limited to language jobs. It’s helpful in many areas. There are three usual techniques in Machine Learning. These are supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and re­inforcement learning.

Natural Language Processing belongs to a particular se­ctor of AI. It handles the exchange between compute­rs and our language. The target of Natural Language Processing is to let machines fuss with human-like lingo. It covers stuff like getting language, picking up vibes, changing language, and hearing speech. Machine­ learning often plays a big part in Natural Language Processing but NLP only tackles language­ issues.

Machine learning is a big idea. It’s all about helping computers learn from data. Now, natural language processing is part of machine learning. It focuses on language tasks and problems.

Natural Language Processing frequently uses machine learning me­thods to reach its aims, highlighting how these two are­as work together to push forward artificial intelligence.


Why Are Machine Learning And Natural Language Processing Important?

Understanding Machine­ Learning and Natural Language Processing matters a lot. Why? This gives a huge push to tech improvements! They also shape parts of our everyday lives:

  1. Automation and Efficiency

Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing pave the way for automating tasks that once needed human handling. This leads to a rise in how effectively we can do many things. Like inspe­cting data to detect patterns, translating language­s, and even summing up content.

  1. Personalization

Machine Language tools give custom experiences in apps. The­se, include suggestion syste­ms (personalized content tips on stre­aming sites) and specific ads. These boost user satisfaction.

  1. Decision-Making

Machine learning models help make decisions by delivering insights based on facts. In areas such as finance, healthcare, and business, these tech tools bolste­r smarter and more precise choices.

  1. Language Understanding

Natural Language Processing helps boost machine­s’ skills to grasp, interpret, and create human language. It’s key for things like chatbots, sentiment analysis, and virtual assistants. All of this aids in better interactions between humans and computers.

  1. Innovation in Industries

Tech like Machine Language and Natural Language Processing help make many sectors better. Think of healthcare – they assist with diagnosis and making special treatment plans. Let’s not forget finance. They aid in finding fraud and assessing risk. Education, too, benefits. They can make learning more personal.

  1. Efficient Data Processing

Machine learning algorithms are great at quickly going through and studying big sets of data. This is supe­r useful in areas where dealing with a ton of information is really important. Think scientific experiments or pre­dicting the weather.

  1. Language Translation

Natural Language Processing helps take down language barriers, thanks to precise and quick translation tools. It boosts collaboration and global communication.

  1. Improved User Experience

Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing boost how we use apps and services by making interactions feel simple and instinctive. Things like voice assistants, messaging app auto-corrections, and language­-orientated search fe­atures are all examples of this improved experience.

  1. Pattern Recognition

Machine Learning is great at finding complex patterns in data. This helps improve things like recognition of images and speech. These are areas where picking out de­tailed patterns is really important.

  1. Addressing Complex Problems

AI and language technology can solve problems that normal programming may find tough. This involves jobs like predicting illnesses, che­cking social trends, and knowing how customers fee­l on a big scale.


In simpler words, Machine­ Learning and Natural Language Processing really matter. Why, you ask? They make stuff automatic, help make better choices, understand languages better, and lead to new stuff across different areas. End result? Technology become more user-frie­ndly and helpful for all of us.

How To Build a Support Network During The Mental Health Recovery Period

Mental health includes feelings, thoughts, and social balance. It shapes how people process thoughts, experience emotions, and behave. Ele­ments like gene­s, the brain’s chemical makeup, life events, experience, and family background all play roles in mental health. 

Usual conditions involve feelings of worry, sadness, and extreme mood swings. Getting help from experts, having a network of support, and embracing good health routines are key to mental stability. It’s vital to lesse­n negative perceptions, boost understanding, and highlight personal care for a we­ll-rounded view of mental health.

What Is Mental Health Recovery?

Mental health recovery is a powerful journey filled with personal growth and bounce-back-ability, finding a way through mental illness complexities. It starts with recognizing the struggles and the require­ment for change. Treatme­nt, which includes therapy and supportive groups, is ke­y in handling symptoms and nurturing a positive condition. 

Gaining survival tactics and stress-handling abilities is important for se­lf-care. Gaining power happens when folks take back control of their own lives, picking choices that match their own beliefs. Being part of a community and connecting with friends help with feeling included. 

Building the skill to recover from tough times, which is ke­y, is a constant and special journey. This journey’s succe­ss is teamwork, often led by e­xperts, buddies, and a network of caring pe­ople.


What Does It Mean To Build A Support Network During The Mental Health Recovery Period?

Deve­loping a group of helpers during the time­ of healing mental health e­ntails forming a team of folks who give emotional, hands-on, and at time­s expert support. Usually, this team is made up of pals, kin, mental health expe­rts, and support communities. 

Having emotional aid is fundamental; whe­n there are pe­ople who lend an understanding e­ar, offer empathy, and uplift, it can reduce feelings of being alone­ and provide solace during tough moments. Handy he­lp from caring people could involve aiding with day-to-day activities, like doing chores or supplying rides, re­ducing the load on a person processing me­ntal health obstacles.

Counselors and the­rapists, also known as mental health expe­rts, provide critical help. They guide and suggest therapy suited to personal needs. Joining groups or communities on the internet can be great. Why? You meet people­ with similar problems. This paves the way for a feeling of acceptance and shared experience. Also, it provides peer support that is price­less.

Building good communication within a help group makes sure that people can share their needs, worrie­s, and how they’re doing on their mental health path. A strong help

group is key in offering a safety net, motivation, and hands-on support, playing a big part in a person’s overall health and recovery.


How to build a support network during a mental health recovery period

Support network building during a mental health recovery period involves a few key steps:


  1. Find supportive pe­ople: Spot those people­ around you, like friends, family, or others who are­ kind, supportive, and can understand your fee­lings. Focus on those who have proven to not judge­ and always lend an ear.
  2. Speak up: Te­ll your close ones about your mental health path. Clear, honest chats can make them see what you need and the best ways they can stand by you.
  3. Ask the expe­rts: Reach out to mental health pros like­ therapists or counselors. Or join support groups. These experts can help you in a way that your friends might not be able to. They know a lot about mental health, on the professional front. 
  4. Get involved with support gatherings: Jump into the area or web-base­d support groups. Here, folks with alike backgrounds swap knowledge, ways to deal with issues, and words of motivation.
  5. Draw lines: Simply tell people what your limits are and show them how to lend a hand in the best way. This makes certain that the help you get matches your desires and requirements.
  6. Teach your group: Pass on use­ful details or knowledge about me­ntal health. This helps your group grasp your struggles and le­ssen stereotype­s.
  7. Show gratitude: Re­cognize and show thankfulness when others help you out. This build-up of good relations leads to ongoing he­lp.
  8. Build bonds: Actively take time to foster relations by encouraging people. This may be face-to-face, by making phone calls, or through online channe­ls, all based on what you’re most at ease­ with.

Kee­p in mind, creating a support group takes time. It’s pe­rfectly fine to grow and change it when needed. Building strong re­lationships is key to getting better mentally.


Why Does Mental Health Matter?

Mental health is important as it touches all parts of a person’s life. Here are some important reasons why mental health matters:




Wrapping it up, and making a helping hand ne­twork when dealing with mental health healing times is a key part of promote­ strength and healthiness. This purpose­ful job means you establish relationships with folks that offer emotional insight, therapy options, hands-on help, and specialize­d advice. 

Support networks have different layers to them, including pals, loved ones, mental health e­xperts, and equals, giving a full base for he­aling. Support from others helps lessen the feeling of loneliness. He­lp with day-to-day tasks eases life’s burde­ns. Personalized professional advice­ can meet specific needs. Sharing experiences with peers gives a sense of community.

Talking openly in this group means people can say what they need and how they’re doing. At the end of the day, a strong group that’s there for each other is really important. It gives cheer and hands-on help. And that plays a key part in the total health and solid recove­ry of folks finding their way through mental health issues.

New AI Tools Can Be Useful For Life!

AI, short for artificial intelligence, is about creating computer syste­ms. These systems can do things usually requiring human brain power. This includes things like solving problems, learning, making sense­ of things, and understanding language. 

We can split AI into two types: narrow AI and general AI. Narrow AI is built for specific jobs. Ge­neral AI, on the other hand, could understand and do any brainy job that a person can do.

AI is beneficial for several reasons. First off, it’s a champ at making repe­titive chores automatic. This makes things run smoothe­r and fewer human beings have to do the same old stuff. Also, AI can sieve through loads of information re­ally fast. 

It can find important details and trends that might be tricky for people to spot. On top of that, AI greatly influences decision-making. It suggests solutions and forecasts outcomes using detailed study results.


What is AI Used For?

When talking about efficiency, AI systems are vital tools for re­fining methods and smoothing out operations in multiple fields. Customization is another significant perk, where AI can handpick experience­s for users by offering suggestions, information, and se­rvices matching their personal like­s and activities. The resolution potential of AI is worth mentioning because it stands out in handling difficult tasks in areas such as health, banking, and research.

AI boosts creativity, helping create new techniques, products, and ways to solve problems. It boosts access too, aiding people with disabilities and building more inclusive­ tech. Using AI could save costs. It cuts down the need for human work, improves how resources get used, and stops mistakes from happening. In science research, AI is crucial for simulations, creating models, and studying data. This can lead to new developments in a variety of fields. Basically, AI’s adaptability makes it an important tool that can benefit many parts of society and industry.


What Are AI Tools?

AI tools have a broad list of software and tech. These use­ artificial intelligence fe­atures. Some regular AI tools include:


These instruments are vital in creating and using AI answe­rs in different areas. They are used widely, from health and finance to marketing and e­ntertainment.


New AI Tools That Can Be Useful For Life

Some emerging and potentially useful AI tools include:

Always stay in the loop with new AI tools. The best way to do this is to regularly keep an eye on new articles, tech updates, and major announce­ments from top AI research groups and busine­sses.


How Is AI Changing Our Lives?

The world of AI tools ke­eps changing. It brings us new options that could truly change parts of our lives. Tech advances like GPT-3 show how powerful natural language processing can be. It lets us create and understand the complete text. 

AI is teaming up with healthcare­. This leads to tools like PathAI and Aidoc. These tools help doctors to better understand their findings and help patients get better. Plus, AI is becoming a part of cre­ative work. With models such as DALL-E, AI is helping to push our cre­ative limits.

Progress in natural language interaction boosts customer service and info search capability. A key area, cybe­rsecurity, gains from AI tools like Darktrace, providing live threat analysis, and boosting defenses against cyber threats. In the se­ctor of virtual assistants, tools like ChatGPT show continuous growth.

In simpler terms, AI’s part in climate studies, shown by tools like Climate­ AI and DeepMind for Climate, highlights its ability to tackle­ tricky issues. These issues include climate modeling and taking care of the environment in a sustainable­ way.



In this time of spe­edy tech evolution, knowing about new AI tools is key. Keeping an e­ye on writing, tech bulletins, and facts from top AI study groups and firms is critical. It helps grasp the continuous changes and uses all of AI’s power for society’s improvement. The AI tools path is live­ly. 

Each breakthrough brings us nearer to a future with smart systems deeply part of our lives. They help in making tasks easier, boost creative thinking, and assist in unraveling complete matters in many areas.


The end of the physical learning

With the increase of technological advancements like the internet, the Internet of Things, online platforms, virtual classrooms, interactive simulations, and the merge of artificial intelligence eLearning has been increasing for the past 3 years and will be more in the coming years.

Even though it has been predicted that traditional in-person methods of education and learning will be replaced or significantly diminished by digital or remote learning alternatives, it might take some considerable time for some reasons. According to some other peoples’ opinions, it might be less physical classrooms, lecture halls, and face-to-face interactions between students and teachers, or maybe a hybrid version of both may exist for some considerable time.

On the other hand, due to various reasons by the means of time, physical learning might come to an end. Even kindergarten kids now practicing distance learning. This has been seen and practiced heavily due to the Covid-19 pandemic since the year 2020.

What is e-Learning?

e-learning stands for electronic learning which is a method of education that utilizes electronic technologies to deliver educational content and facilitate learning. It involves the use of computers, the internet, and other digital devices like smart television to access educational materials and resources. e-learning can be produced in various forms like online courses, virtual classrooms, webinars, interactive multimedia presentations, and digital media simulations.

Apart from the nature of electronic involvement, e-Learning has intrinsic favorable characteristics such as flexibility, interactivity, multimedia, accessibility, scalability, cost-effectiveness, and convenience to be named. If we have a close look at them they can be explained below;   

  1. Flexibility: Learners can access the content at their own pace and convenience, allowing for greater flexibility in scheduling and learning from any location with internet access.

       2. Interactivity: e-learning material often comes up with interactive elements such as quizzes, simulations, and multimedia content to engage with learners and enhance the learning experience.

      3. Multimedia: e-learning integrates various media formats like text, images, audio, and video to present information in a dynamic, interactive, and engaging manner.

      4. Accessibility: It offers immense opportunities for any type of individuals who may have limitations or barriers to traditional education, such as time limitations, physical         disabilities, or geographical constraints.

       5. Scalability: e-learning can accommodate large numbers of learners simultaneously, making it suitable for both individual learners and large organizations or educational institutions.

  1. Cost-effectiveness: In many cases, e-learning can be more cost-effective than traditional in-person training since it reduces the need for physical classrooms, printed materials, and travel expenses.

With the severe involvement of technological advancement, the internet, and favorable characteristics as solutions for hectic lifestyles, e-learning has become increasingly popular among educational segments including schools, universities, corporate training, professional development, and personal skill enhancement. The continuous evolution of technology will continue offering more advanced and effective methods of delivering education and training to learners worldwide therefore it is a must to get familiar with and adapted and use them effectively.

How to use e-Learning materials effectively?

Using e-learning materials effectively requires a strategic approach to maximize learning outcomes. Here are some tips to help you make the most of e-learning resources:

  1. Set Clear Goals: your objectives must be defined. What do you actually want to achieve through the e-learning materials? Having clear goals will help you stay focused and motivated. For example, you can fix long-term goals and short-term goals. Let’s say you engage with an online yoga class while focusing on the long-term plan of an exam.

      2. Organize Your Time: Create a study schedule that fits your day-to-day life to break off the accustomed routine. Allocate specific time slots for e-learning to ensure consistency and prevent procrastination. For example, you might feel that you can refer the material anytime but it would lead you to lose time. If you missed some that will leave more to next time.

      3. Select High-Quality and Reliable Resources: Follow reputable e-learning platforms, courses, or materials. Read reviews, consider others’ recommendations, and ensure the content aligns with your learning objectives.

      4. Engage Actively: It is required to actively participate in the learning process such as taking notes, asking questions, and engaging in discussions or forums if available. Interaction enhances understanding, stay current and retention.

      5. Stay Disciplined: Treat e-learning like traditional learning like you are in a physical class for example. Minimize distractions, find a quiet space, and avoid multitasking during study sessions. In simple terms, you should avoid your phone and if you can just switch off the phone.

     6. Break Content into Smaller Chunks: E-learning materials can be dense. Divide the content into smaller sections or modules, making it easier to digest and preventing information overload. If you can break down the main task into pieces of activities whenever complete any of them, you might feel a sense of accomplishment by means of time. For example, you can assign yourself to read a book and you can mark the progress of completion.

     7. Use Multimedia: If the materials include multimedia elements like videos, animations, or interactive simulations, engage with them fully. Visual and interactive content can enhance comprehension.

     8. Jot down Notes: Summarize key points, concepts, and your own thoughts while studying. For example, you can have your own presentation, and scribes based on video tutorials. This method helps in retention and provides a quick reference for later review.

       9. Test Yourself: Most e-learning platforms provide quizzes or self-assessment tools. Use as much as regularly to test your skills and understanding to identify areas that need more focus.

      10. Try to find Clarification: If you have doubts, questions, or need clarification on a topic, don’t hesitate to reach out to instructors, peers, or online forums.

      11. Apply Knowledge: Apply what you’ve learned in real-life situations if possible. Practical application reinforces understanding and makes the learning experience more meaningful.

       12. Review and Revise: Review your notes time-to-time and education materials to support your memory. Revise concepts that you find challenging or have them hung on your wall.

       13. Stay Motivated: Set rewards for completing certain milestones. Join study groups or connect with fellow learners to share experiences and maintain motivation. To support this refrain from listening to gloomy music and choose motivational songs, and films to build confidence in you.

     14. Track Progress: Many e-learning platforms offer progress tracking if not monitor your own progress to see how far you have reached and where you need to focus more.

     15. Have your own Reflect on Learning: Regularly reflect on what you’ve learned. How does it connect to your goals? How can you apply it in your life or work?

      16. Stay Updated: E-learning materials might be updated or expanded over time. Check for updates to ensure you’re accessing the latest information.

Always keep in mind that, effective e-learning involves active participation, critical thinking, and consistent effort. Adapting the above tips to your learning style and preferences for the best results. However, being in front of LED screens will expose you to blue light that emanates from electronic devices and it will cause faster your age.



Where we find things difficult

You might have heard or read of, which describes a complex situation, in “The Merchant of Venice” by Sir William Shakespeare. As illustrated in The Merchant of Venice, Antonio owes money to Shylock who is a spiteful moneylender and Shylock demands a pound of Antonio’s flesh as the contract due to failure to repay. However, Portia saves Antonio’s life at the very end of the story in the court with her knowledge pointing out the logic “you can have a pound of flesh but no one drop of blood” and she was able to defeat the cunning moneylender.

The story describes a problem that people face which seems impossible but ends with an amazing unpredictable but positive and favorable end against the villain. If you have read, heard the story, or even watched the drama or movie no matter your age you might have been numb or felt helpless before the end without a clue at all. 

Let’s forget the old fabricated story if you are a millennial and have a look at Khaby Lame who has no celebrity appearance and went through many obstacles in his past but has a million followers on Instagram and is so famous now. Or else, someone like Nick Vujicic who lost his all limbs but is famous all over the world as a motivational speaker and a true example for the words of his speeches.

Humans never thought that they could touch down on extraterrestrial terrains but they did after massive efforts of continued trying. Therefore, every human can do whatever they want as long as they have motivation towards their own set goals.

What is motivation?

Motivation is the drive to achieve your needs. The emotion for a need can be influenced in 04 ways such as (01) the amount that you want, (02) what will you gain, (03) personal expectations, and most importantly (04) what you will lose from not achieving your need. Everybody wants big achievements but the problem is how to keep the motivation until the end.

Simply, it is like driving or going by vehicle to somewhere you decided earlier, and as long as you drive or travel you can reach the destination as planned. In case of any loss like an accident, tire puncture, loss of fuel, or any breakdown you will feel it difficult but still, your motivation to reach the destination by any other mode may be walking. For example, you are studying for an exam like IELTS, PTE, OL, or AL and you have no time to participate or you used to learn through physical classes. However, if you make yourself motivated, you can still use online educational materials which are available on www.esiphala.lk if you intend to learn from a professional body.

Why motivation is important in our life

Our life is full of unpredictable unplanned journey and the next second we may face something really jarring or extreme fortune. Whatever it may be we must be able to face the situation and tolerate and absorb as much as we can. For example, a bereavement of a loved one in an unexpected moment, while you are getting prepared for an exam, can be an extreme situation. To a certain extent, motivation is personal therefore what gets you going maybe not do anything for someone else. For example, we saw a rugby player in a school league participating in a match while his mothers’ death and winning the game for his school. So, self-motivation is a key attribute that makes you a winner in a professional subject or area in your life because it pushes you forward no matter how hard the situation is. If you have talked to any professionals in any subject their stories are quite similar, they say “I determined that I’m going to do this” at a certain point in life.

How to stay motivated

The first rule is “Do not get frustrated over any and shit can happen to anybody, so calm down”. Most people struggle with their feelings in their life and that is completely natural because we are humans and we have feelings. However, we should not let emotions overcome our motivation therefore use our brains to stay logical. Here are a few tips to stay motivated.

Tip one – Don’t stick to one goal have a second plan

It is really common that people dream to achieve something big but get frustrated in unsuccessful attempts. May it be an exam to get selected for university, get promoted in your career, or go abroad for permanent residence where there is a probability of losing your hope. If you have focused only on getting permanent residency and if you get rejected, you may have nothing left to try again. But if you ever had a second plan you can further try to get permanent residency in a good country by going as a student and thereby you can have your goal after some years.

Tip two – Embrace the goal in your life

Do not ever turn or look back if you have a goal until you reach it. Think about how you can include that goal in your life. Break your goal into small pieces like easy tasks, and regular checkups to complete each step. Have some reminders where visible to your eyes to stay on track and these reminders will help you to stick to the plan. Speak to yourself and question yourself in peace about how you can finish with your strengths. Positive self-talk is important and effective in managing motivation because mindfulness helps keep you relaxed and focused. instead of saying ‘I couldn’t’, say ‘I did it so far to this level. Always remember that you have a second plan as well so focus on both.

Tip three – Get help from your loved ones

No matter how hard we try and sometimes we need human affection because humans are social beings. You might have seen soldiers are appreciated on battlefields even if they lose in the frontline in the next second. Therefore, inform your family and friends about your plan and get their kind and positive help towards you. They will help you stay motivated because sometimes we need the willpower to win hard goals.

Tip Four – Stay on track

Regular reviews about your goal and its progress will surely help to improve your self-esteem. It is really good if you can use a diary or a chart to measure your history of records. This will help you not to repeat any failure and continue and multiply any successful attempts.

Tip Five – Associate with good ones

Have some really good friends and positive people that bring peace and positive vibes to your mind. They will enhance your positive self-talk and helps to manage the symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Tip Six – Have some simple goals too

Let’s say if you were not able to achieve as you planned. If you ever had minded about simple a goal like health you might have done some exercise which definitely assists you to stay healthy in physically and mentally. Or else, if you ever had a travel diary you may have loads of memories than someone who you ever wished to be. Maybe one day you can travel around the whole world while earning money from blogging and a reputation for being traveled and seeing archaeology.


Adopting the above six tips into your life will be the key to staying motivated. However, being motivated is not as easy as we spoke about above. There are enough examples from human history and even some are available in recent days that can be taken of how people have been motivated even when it has been so difficult to cope with. People get motivated to achieve something that they think, is the best according to their perception. However, this emotion towards motivation is influenced by some factors but we can control the influences by adopting six tips. Motivation is the key to anyone who wished to be successful in their life.


What is stress?

All people are accustomed to a life routine like they wake up, eating, engaging in something maybe studying or job, and sleeping, and when something goes beyond the system the human brain finds it a difficult situation which they call stress. Everyone has experienced stress to some degree as a natural human response that addresses challenges and threats in our lives. According to most health experts, stress can be defined as a state of worry and mental tension caused by a difficult situation.

How does stress affect us?

Many people identify stress as the only mental stress but there is body stress as well which causes by mental stress. Simply when stressed it will lead to headaches, acne on the face, and upset stomachaches for a few examples.  However, some experts in the health industry say that a little stress is quite fine for life because it helps humans to perform well in their daily activities. For example, the IELTS exam or the PTE exam accelerates a student to work within a limited time as a language testing exam to get qualified for going abroad while working at a university. Further to that, it is very natural that we feel stress when facing challenging situations like job interviews, school exams, unrealistic workloads, and conflicts in human affairs. Health experts emphasize that these tense stress situations help to improve coping with emotional feelings. 

 The two forms of stress

The way we react to stress forms mainly in two ways such as physical and mental. These two forms can be further explained as, physical symptoms leading to pains and aches within the body, and mental symptoms causing emotional damage like anxiety, depression, anger, panic situation, and being a recluse. However, someone’s meal situation can be lethal to some extent like mental trauma which likely ends with committing suicide. Therefore, managing stress in your life is really important.

Is there a stress management guide?

The simple and clear answer is NO. Not everyone can cope with stress as same as the other one and there is no exact way to define how to relieve stress. However, it is very likely that people are addicted to some bad practices to get rid of difficult situations like being addicted to alcohol and smoking, overreacting towards foods, and impulsive activities which can quickly become something far more problematic.

Five ways to reduce stress
If you are really interested in how to reduce stress, there are various methods that you can try out. But here are five very simple things that help to overcome stress which has been forgotten due to our hectic lifestyles. 

1.Exercise daily

Nowadays people are running to achieve invisible and gigantic life achievements and this rat race never ends until we die. In nature, all beings are made to survive by moving their body but this unending running has caused to sedentary stressful life. Therefore, doing some exercise that moves our body is one of the most effective ways to manage stress. we don’t need to be professional athletes but all we need is to adopt something that makes sweat our body. A simple activity like walking or jogging, doing some yoga, dancing to music, or going to the gym can really help to reduce stress and also stay fit and make the mind relax.

2.Digital detox

The use of social media and a torrent of updates have glued people to their mobile screens making them zombies. This bad practice is called nomophobia which they cannot live without gossip updates and lead to the stress of social media. For example, some people get stressed by comparing their lives to superficial social media stories to their living stature. For another example, some people get frustrated over political-related digital media news cycles and thereby get stressed. It is not a lie if the mobile phone is called the sixth sense of humans because it has been so much useful but very stressful thing to manage on the other hand. Therefore, leaving your smartphone aside or managing it well is a must and simple method.

3.Adopt a hobby

Embracing a new hobby like painting, reading, blogging, traveling, going for movie, or listening to music can help reduce stress and increase mental relaxation and thereby achieving mental peace. Hobbies can offer a sense of achievement and help you take your mind off worrisome. This happens when we fully concentrate on one specific thing which is beyond our control. For example, you can start collecting stamps and be a philatelic who collects only one theme of stamps like butterflies, and having a complete set of butterflies may bring you a state of achievement. Other than just a hobby if you can start learning something new online might benefit from the best of both worlds, achieving academic qualification online while staying at home. However, when we are doing whatever the hobby it brings us pleasure.  

4.Break the routine with something new

Have a plan on your monthly calendar to do something really new. This can be going out on Friday night, trying a new dish, or having a home party at a friend’s place. For example, spare your Friday night to go out to a new café where you can stay for hours. No matter how strict your work plan is make sure you however make it happen. This little break will surely improve your mental health level and let you open for different pleasurable topics the next day when you are at work over the stressors.

5.Associate with friends

Humans are social beings but due to some social factors, they are born built to be as social groups. However, due to the new world order, they have now caged in restricted life which resulted in isolation. Association of friends will be therapeutic healing such as distraction, advice, and sharing the same experience for and steps that were taken to stressful situations. This simple connection will lead to mental relaxation. 

Take home

People suffer from stress all over the world from various stressors. Stress causes many mental illnesses and sometimes these mental traumas can exacerbate more detrimental mental diseases. Stress in life is a completely natural thing but sometimes it goes beyond the controlling level. There are no such predefined methods to overcome stress because it depends on each human. Even though there are many methods that can be found on the internet people have no time to practice them. Compared to many that are given on the Internet, the above five methods are the easiest possible that can anyone practice with less effort. Therefore, practicing simple methods as discussed above or any other as you may feel comfortable would be quite sufficient. If it is impossible to practice any of discussed above at least make sure you don’t get trapped in bad practices as a solution for stress.

Discover the most financially promising jobs and careers today!

I have a dream to travel around the globe. This dream has stuck with me ever since I read Jules Vern’s ‘Around the World in 80 Days’. In my dream, it would very well be renamed as ‘Around the World in Style in 80 Days’! And to chalk it off from my bucket list, I would need better finances!!

In this age, financial success can be considered the most useful arrow in the quiver of an archer who targets a successful and accomplished life. There are no shortcuts to becoming successful and rich, honestly. However, certain jobs and careers offer more potential for substantial wealth than others. Whether you’re starting your professional journey or considering a career change, exploring those lucrative fields that have the potential will pay off to pave your way to financial and professional prosperity.

The financial Nirvana

 Financial Nirvana is a personal goal. In a nutshell, you don’t need to be a millionaire to achieve financial Nirvana. Instead of immense wealth, it can be explained as a profound equilibrium where financial well-being and personal fulfilment coalesce harmoniously. Having said that, if you are a driven person with modern needs and dreams, it won’t hurt to have a well-paying profession with stability and financial Nirvana that would cater for your dreams. And guess what, if you are really serious about it, achieving that wouldn’t be just a pipe dream!

Jobs that pay a top dollar

 As per the careers and jobs that pay a top dollar in today’s world, we can compile a list of the most wanted jobs and niche careers, but the list wouldn’t stop there. Some of those jobs may still not be big on the job vacancies in Sri Lanka but still holds a promise for the international market.

Medicine and Healthcare:

Medical professionals, particularly specialized surgeons, are in demand today. They can earn significant pay as their work is complex and demanding. Also, the pandemic emphasized the importance of qualified medical professionals. Fields such as plastic surgery, orthopaedics, and neurosurgery often charge hefty fees.

Real Estate Development:

The real estate industry has been known to be a treasure trove for some time now. With the increase in population and rising demand for real estate development, Real estate developers, who identify lucrative investment opportunities and successfully develop properties, can accumulate solid wealth. Real estate tycoons around the globe, such as Donald Bren or Jeff Greene, became legends for a reason!


Have you watched the tv series ‘Suits’? Then you know that a career in law, especially in corporate law or high-profile litigation, can enrich you financially beyond your imagination. Successful lawyers who handle complex cases and build a reputation for their expertise can demand substantial fees. Lawyers are profitable and stable even in job vacancies in Sri Lanka.

Tech Entrepreneurship:

In an age of technology, tech entrepreneurship has a rapidly growing market share, so as a financial reward for that. Entrepreneurs who identify innovative solutions and build successful tech companies can earn top dollar. With updated knowledge, the right ideas, dedication, and a hint of luck, tech entrepreneurship can become a ticket to your financial Nirvana.

Investment Banking:

For people who have a knack for financial analysis, economy-related knowledge and investment insight, this can be a sail towards the eldorado. Although high stakes are involved, it offers lucrative compensation packages, especially for those capable of climbing the ladder and becoming partners or managing directors.

Entertainment and Media:

The entertainment and media industry offers creative and business professionals opportunities to build substantial wealth, especially in private job vacancies in Sri Lanka. Actors, musicians, directors, and producers with innovative and novel ideas can undoubtedly achieve the Midas touch. Also, additional income through endorsements and merchandise is around the corner. Thanks to today’s social media platforms that enable any capable individual to emerge as an influencer!

Entrepreneurship in E-commerce:

The rise of E-commerce platforms has created a multitude of opportunities for entrepreneurs to build successful e-commerce businesses. By identifying niche markets, leveraging digital marketing strategies, and delivering exceptional products or services to customer doorsteps, individuals can establish profitable e-commerce ventures. Success stories like Amazon and Alibaba can be your story someday too!


Freelancing may still sound uncertain to conventional minds, but it will be the next tidal wave in the job market in the near future. Building your portfolio gradually with international freelancing platforms and possessing the professional skills required will slingshot you to a handsome annual income. And you will also be free of time and space as opposed to an 8-5 office routine!

The starting line and the race

Think of building yourself in one of those fields or professions as a marathon. Some fields we mentioned require systematic education from scratch, but one can excel in most on the list through even self-education.

Find your true passion!

Even though being a Rothschild sounds cool, it’s not worth it at the expense of your peace of mind. The best way to find the equilibrium between both worlds would be to be in a profession you would absolutely love and enjoy.

Find the proper education.

If you dream of being a doctor, you must pass your ALs, attend medical college and complete your studies. Even if you want to be an investment banker, you must follow the relevant educational path and gain paper qualifications. However, gaining paper qualification comes in handy; researching the new knowledge of your selected field and earning that knowledge for yourself is vital to be a top professional.

Build your professional life one day at a time!

Rome wasn’t built in one day, so you shouldn’t try to achieve professional success and financial gains overnight too. But having a plan, being committed to the plan and being dedicated while being patient will be essential to lay a solid foundation and building a stable career.

Places where your dream job is hidden!

If you believe that you are ready to step into the job market and make yourself prominent in the best job for you, there are a few places you can look for. Primarily there are online platforms that offer job vacancies in Sri Lanka. Job market platforms such as xpress jobs, top jobs, and ikman jobs would be excellent places to start working towards your dream, through today job vacancies, especially for private job vacancies in Sri Lanka. And the rate of results would be pretty high too.

Let’s recap everything. If you dream big, you will need bigger financial strength, too, to achieve those dreams. That will be your financial Nirvana. And some specific fields and professions would pay very well if you could become an expert in that profession or field.

Keep dreaming big, keep earning big and start today!

Compassion and Caring: getting into the nursing profession could be your best career choice!

‘The Lady With the Lamp’ illuminated a path towards the quality of healthcare by finetuning the nursing care service to a profession in the mid-19th century. The fundamental philosophy played by this British nurse, the social reformer, and the statistician not only reduced the mortality rate of soldiers during the Crimean War but also saved numerous lives to date.

The lady With the Lamp

 Florence Nightingale, the founder of the modern nursing profession, laid the foundation of the first nursing school at St Thomas Hospital, London, in 1860. She has formalized nursing education, and the nursing school at St Thomas Hospital has considered the very first scientifically based nursing school in history.

If you are compassionate and professional, never weave your focus away even in the most critical moment, have a caring nature for others, have a high emotional intelligence, and have a passion for the healthcare industry, nursing can be the most suitable career for you. But is that the best career choice for you?

Think about your career choice wisely

 When we came to the junction of the above question, your passion for a particular career or a field would play the quarterback position. But also, other factors play a significant role in choosing a career. Would that career is financially promising? Do you have the necessary skill set and education to enter that career? And most importantly, is this career in demand? Let’s say your quarterback position answer is ‘definitely being a nurse’.

Global nursing care market prediction

 The story of the lady with the lamp is nothing short of inspiring people to admire the nursing profession. And the healthcare market and nursing career are not only considered a prestigious profession but an essential service throughout the centuries.

Even from a financial standpoint, getting into a nursing care career can be promising. As estimated, in 2023, the global nursing care market is expected to grow to 1,374.9 billion USD. That is an expectation of a 7% of growth at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) compared to 2021. Globally speaking, Western Europe was the largest in the global nursing care market, comprising 43% of the market in 2019, while North America runs in second with a 33% share.

Personal financial aspects of being a nurse

 Although the passion for the medical care industry is most important for someone to start a career in nursing, a financial promise is also essential. In Sri Lanka, salaries in the nursing profession can range from roughly 32,000 LKR to 115,000 LKR. During the training period, a government-appointed nurse in training will gain a salary of 32,000 LKR in the first year, and it will gradually increase. After the first appointment, the pay plus allowances peg a substantial monthly wage of the Sri Lankan middle class, with various benefits. The more academic and professional qualifications and experience you possess, the stronger your financial prospect in the nursing profession is for you.

Globally speaking, the highest annual salary for a nurse would be 91,000 USD, and the lowest of the top 10 highest-paid yearly salaries would be 62,000 USD. According to the list, the average would be approximately 6,300 USD per month.

Why should you choose nursing as a career?

According to the annual health statistics report 2019 by the Ministry of Health Sri Lanka 2019, there are 46,841 registered nurses in Sri Lanka. And if you, too, decide to become a Nightingale daughter or a Nightingale son, there are lucrative reasons to back that decision up.

* Personal fulfilment

Like many jobs, being a nursing professional takes work. Longer working hours, continuous shifts, mental preparation requirements, and other hardships can make being a nurse a true challenge. But, the sense that a nurse can make a real difference, personal fulfilment can make it worthwhile. Also, it’s a rewarding career path, both professionally and personally.

* The standard of service

The Sri Lanka Nurses’ Association (SLNA) has set the bar on the quality of the nursing profession high, bestowing a higher recognition for nurses trained in Sri Lanka. Also, they promote continuing education in the field and professional development of the Sri Lankan nursing profession.

* Job security

If the post-covid-19 era and the Sri Lankan economic depression have taught us something, we know that almost any profession can have job security threats under specific conditions. Having said that, the job security of healthcare sector professionals, including nurses, is significantly high locally and globally. Nurses can enter the workforce relatively quickly, and that’s a massive advantage if you choose this profession.

* Global demand

The best part of being a professionally and academically qualified, well-experienced veteran in the nursing profession is that you can work anywhere in the world. The demand for nursing professionals is a worldwide phenomenon, paving the way for your migration options as well.

How can you enter the nursing profession in Sri Lanka?

 There are currently 18 nursing training schools in Sri Lanka in the government sector. And the private sector is also geared up to provide quality nursing training to compensate for the demand for nursing services in the private healthcare sector.

If you have 3 simple passes in GCE A/L in Biology/Mathematics/Agriculture, which belongs to the science stream, in a single sitting. Additionally, you should have passed six subjects in the G.C.E Ordinary Level examination in nothing more than two attempts, including credit passes for Sinhala / Tamil Language, Mathematics, Science and English. And the required qualifications for private institutions may vary.

A well-rewarding journey on the path set by Nightingale

 Following the path of the original ‘Lady with the Lamp’ can be seen as a chance to enter a stable healthcare market and a self-fulfilling passion. The inspiration and the motivation one could draw from being a nursing professional are pure and almost spiritual.

“Nursing is an art: and if it is to be made an art, it requires an exclusive devotion as hard a preparation as any painter’s or sculptor’s work; for what is the having to do with dead canvas or dead marble, compared with having to do with the living body, the temple of God’s spirit?”



Unlock your potential after O/Ls; find the best diploma for you!  

Usually, most of us are on autopilot mode in our lives, mainly when we are still engaged in our secondary education. We may have dreams and readymade answers to questions like “who you wanna become when you are grown?” But those answers, too, rely on our dreams, not on any real plan!

Now we have endured the hard work of three years -in some cases, two years, one year or even just six months- for the single goal of passing the GCE Ordinary examination with flying colours. For some, having the best results can be a fact; for others, it can be a hope. However, you have reached this junction, and it’s better to switch to manual-pilate mode and actively plan your immediate and professional future!

 After O/Ls, fun time begins!

School children after O/Ls usually have an extended vacation after all the months of the hardship of studies and past papers. And most students look forward to filling this vacation with things such as hanging around with friends, fun activities and leisure pursuits, despite the parents’ nagging, armed with ideas of computer diplomas or English diplomas. Having a bit of fun after three years of hard work is fine, but shouldn’t this be a time to properly plan the future as well? Not just deciding which A/L stream you need to select, but how would that benefit you professionally?

With all the free time after ages, why bother with a diploma?

The key to a balanced life is not getting caught in the rat race we see today and prioritising what you believe is in your schedule, but properly scheduling your priorities. Having said that, the rare cooling-off time you get after going through your GCE O/L exam can be used for several purposes. First, it is imperative to realistically map out your future, particularly with your studies and future professional aspects. Then, you can balance your free time between having fun or blowing some steam off and focusing on gaining a skill improvement or an academic headstart based on your future map. And obtaining a diploma is an excellent place to start!

Future benefits of having a diploma

Having a diploma is beneficial for anybody from several perspectives. And that could be your ‘plan B’ if the GCE O/L results wouldn’t go in your way as you have planned. And there are many more:

* Skill development

A fine example of this is computer literacy. After A/Ls or university, when you pursue an internship, possessing a set of soft skills and hard skills will come in handy. And employers tend to hire people armed with skills and specialised knowledge, which would give a competitive edge in interviews.

* Career development

Companies no longer hire people purely based on certificates. Hence, prooving yourself with the knowledge gained through a professional diploma will pave your way to early career development and professional recognition. Plus, it will give you the power to choose your career wisely, rather than picking up the first job offer no matter what.

* Academic development

Nowadays, very few professions require you to go on a linear academic path and excel. Being a doctor is an example. However, apart from such domains, finding additional knowledge that parallels your chosen academic path is always wise. 

* What path do I want to select?

Selecting a diploma to finetune yourself or to invest in your academic or professional career can be two-pronged. First, you can resort to a general diploma that will hone your English or any other necessary language skills or bestow you the ICT literacy required for any professional path.

The second approach will be handpicking a specialised diploma that will cater for your map of the academic or professional path.

What are my options?

Anyone who wants to pursue educational goals should learn that vertical educational goals are the key to true progress than horizontal and scattered educational goals. In that sense, jumping on board with several diplomas not relevant to one particular field or a trade can be pointless in the long run.

However, the good news is that any student who completed the GCE O/L exam can find an array of diplomas spread throughout a vast spectrum in Sri Lanka and on online platforms.

* National University diplomas

The mass communication diplomas bestowed by the University of Colombo and the University of Sri Jayawardanapura are examples of valuable diploma certificates that bestow upon successful completion, which hold high credibility both in the academic sphere and professional world.

* Private University diplomas

An appetite to have an early advantage for your academic or professional life by being an early achiever and money is all you need to enrol for a private university diploma. And even if you decide to pursue the academic/professional path bespoke by them, you will be able to obtain the first degree and even masters a few years before your classmates! Most of the time, the path will comprise a foundation certificate, a diploma, a higher diploma, a top-up bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree. And the time duration can be significantly short compared to national universities.

* The National Vocational Qualifications (NVQ) Framework

This seven-level qualification framework is open for students who completed GCE O/Ls and lays the foundation for tertiary and vocational education through a nationally recognized system that meets international standards. This government-co-sponsored pathway opens students not only to career routes but academic boosts as well.

* Online education – local

There are some unknown territories for most students in the Sri Lankan education field that, in fact, are hidden treasure islands. For example, with the help of the DP Education Foundation, the University of Moratuwa grants a full-stack developer diploma that can be completed online. The certification, along with the practical knowledge, can be an added advantage to enter various fields that value the knowledge of Python. Another example would be eSiphala from SLTMobitel, Sri Lanka’s largest e-learning platform with a vast array of courses that prepare you for both the professional world and your academic path.

* Online education – international

We live in a world of smart devices. And any after-O/L student with a smartphone and high ambitions can use several platforms to obtain a diploma online, even without spending a rupee. Big huge international educational platforms such as LinkedIn Learning, Coursera, edX, Google Garage, and Udemy Business offer free courses as well as the opportunity to audit the paid courses. And with the multitude of course titles each platform carries, the sky will be the limit.

Do you still have doubts about how to spend your time after completing O/Ls? Then remember, an ancient Roman stoic philosopher Seneca the Younger, said once that the greater part of progress is the desire to progress!